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FA1 & FA5 Manual: “The Canadian Fire Alarm System – A Reference Manual”

Book or Manual

Individual copies of this manual may be ordered here from the CFAA or from Orderline.

This Manual combines the information contained in the Course 1 and Course 5 reference manual published by the CFAA, entitled “Introduction to the Fire Detection and Alarm Industry”, and “Fire Alarm Systems, a Reference Manual”, respectively.

It is intended that this Manual be used for both courses. It is comprised of fourteen Units, beginning with historical notes and moving through the many components that make up today’s fire alarm system. Related systems such as Voice Communication and Suppression are described in sufficient detail, along with their relation to the fire alarm.

The primary purpose of this manual is to prepare the candidate Technician for the field experience that usually follows a period of formal study. It is also suitable as a reference for courses presented to interest groups such as the Authorities Having Jurisdiction and building owners. It does not present manufacturer-specific detail or word for word repetition of Standards’ text. Rather, this material is easily read and understood, accompanied by meaningful photographs and drawings.

Each Unit begins with a cover page outlining the contents of the Unit, and a list of the introductory material that is required for Course 1 study. For Course 5, all the material in the Manual requires study. Each Unit as well concludes with a series of review questions, that encourage further discussion especially when used in a classroom environment.

This manual makes reference to the 2010 and 2015 editions of the National Building and Fire Codes. For the most part, the ULC standards referenced are the 2013 and 2014 editions of S536, S537 and S524. The information drawn from these standards is presented in a format resembling the Standards’ structure.

It is suggested that any learning institution using this Manual consider including the CFAA publication entitled “Fire Alarm Systems – A Laboratory Guide” as part of the course of study. A third publication “Fire Alarm Systems Trouble Shooting Guide, Vol 1”, is also offered.

FA3 Manual: “Basic Electricity for the Fire Alarm Technician”

Book or Manual

Individual copies of this manual may be ordered here from the CFAA or from Orderline.

A Fire Alarm Systems Technician must have a basic understanding of electricity. A Fire Alarm System is an electrical/electronic system, and a competent Fire Alarm Technician must be able to fully understand how devices and systems operate. A Technician must also be able to knowledgeably discuss installation details relating to installation standards and electrical codes. This manual has been written specifically to meet the content requirements of Course 3 of the CFAA Fire Alarm Technology Program.

This addition to the CFAA line-up of educational materials is yet another major step forward in the CFAA mandate of providing educational support for the Fire Alarm Industry.

Specific topics include:
– Electrical Fundamentals.
– Battery Technology.
– Circuitry.
– Electromagnetics.
– Transformers.
– Inductance & Capacitance.
– The Electrical Code.
– Electrical Safety.
– Electrical Meters & Measurement.
– Wiring & Schematic Diagrams.

10% Discount available to schools

FA4 Manual: “Life Safety Systems Electronics”

Book or Manual

Individual copies of this manual may be ordered here from the CFAA or from Orderline. Colleges should contact Orderline at 1-888-361-003 to discuss their bulk/educational discount.

Life Safety Systems Electronics is the study of the principles of electronics as they apply to life safety systems including fire alarms and building automation systems. The manual covers both analog and digital systems and their applications. This is a valuable manual for all those who work in or are planning to enter industries related to the built environment. Use this manual on its own, or pair it with the course – CFAA Fire Alarm Technology Program, Life Safety Systems Electronics (Course 4). Syllabus is as follows:

Life Safety Systems Electronics (328 pages, b&w and colour illustrations) contents are as follows:

Part A – Analog Electronics
Chapter 1: Diodes, Rectifiers and Regulators
Chapter 2: Bipolar Transistors
Chapter 3: Field Effect Transistors
Chapter 4: Power Supplies
Chapter 5: Operational Amplifiers
Chapter 6: Analog Electronics Applications

Part B – Digital Electronics
Chapter 7: Numbering Systems
Chapter 8: Logic Gates
Chapter 9: Digital System Components
Chapter 10: Digital System Components

Part C – Life Safety Applications
Chapter 11: Analog Applications
Chapter 12: Signalling Applications
Chapter 13: Digital Applications
Chapter 14: Network Applications


ISBN 978-0-9734001-6-8

Registration Practical Exam”

$425.00 Course Registered Trainees, once you have successfully completed the Registration Theory Exam, you will be able to schedule and pay the fee for the Registration Practical Exam. This Exam is by appointment only and must be scheduled through the CFAA. Send an email to requesting the Practical Exam. This two (2) hour, in person exam is based on the “Skills and Knowledge Checklist” as well as the Trainee Logbook and will feature a number of scenarios that can be completed in a number of ways. The Registered Trainee will be tested on an active fire alarm system designed and programmed to test all candidates equally. (conventional panel) All tools and materials will be supplied by the CFAA Invigilator. Successful completion will require a passing grade of 80% or better. Registration Practical Exams will be scheduled across the country. (Registered Trainees or returning fully registered Fire Alarm Technicians ONLY). Payment via e-transfer to Send an email to requesting the Practical Exam.